Laserworld releases the BeamBar Series

04 maggio 2015
With the new BeamBar Series, Laserworld launches a low price solution in the product range of single beam fan projection laser bars.

Laserworld releases the BeamBar Series

The Laserworld BeamBar units are available in the colors red, green and blue and have ten laser apertures. At each aperture, one laser beam is emitted. Fine adjustment screws at the front panel allow for easy beam alignment, e.g. for making all beams exit the bar parallel or in a certain angle. Each of the ten laser sources can be switched via standard DMX512, so the BeamBar can easily be integrated to existing lighting setups. It uses 13 DMX channels for control.

The Laserworld BeamBar units are suitable for fixed installations, e.g. on stages, or for mobile use. Especially a combination of several of these bars makes completely new ideas for lighting design possible.

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