RTI releases world’s first white light laser beam array with beam positioning

21 aprile 2016
RTI released world’s first RGB white light, analog modulated beam array with real scanners.

RTI releases world’s first white light laser beam array with beam positioning

This allows for completely new effects that could have never been created before: Wave effects of parallel beams, three-dimensional twists of beams in mid-air and spectacular color-fades make the RTI NEO SIX RGB a spectacular new lighting effect for professional stage productions.

The famous lighting designer Jerry P. Appelt used twelve RTI NEO SIX RGB units on the PRG/LEA Stage at this year’s prolight+sound for the first time. Twelve beam arrays meant 72 single laser beams that could be individually controlled by DMX in 16bit fine positioning mode.

The initial beam positioning can also be made through DMX, and the unit can save the settings that were made. So when setting up the stage, each beam can be set to it’s individual zero-position via DMX, and on exiting the setup mode it preservers the set position – even on power loss. Having this feature makes it easy to set beam positions, e.g. on mirrors, or to avoid manual beam aligning when the units hang high up on the truss.

Besides the general beam positioning and the beam-movement-effects it is also possible to project basic patterns with each output, e.g. circles to create tunnel effects or lines to generate planes in mid-air. These patterns are already built-in and can easily be triggered by DMX.

The RTI NEO SIX RGB has been especially developed for professional touring and production companies. The effect becomes most spectacular when several NEO SIX play side by side.

A short video demonstrating the effect, as seen at prolight+sound 2016 can be found on the left hand side.

Info: www.laserworld.com
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