SweeLee Projects installs CueCores

15 febbraio 2016
The Singapore based company SweeLee Projects has been busy these past few months with installing CueCores.

SweeLee Projects installs CueCores

Ian Stott, Head of Lighting Projects at SweeLee, found the solid-state CueCore coupled with CueluxPro software to be a useful control solution. Namely in hotels where a stand-alone solution needs to be also readily available for live control when stage lighting for bands etc is required.

Also Stott choose the CueCore for the architectural facade lighting at the large shopping centre, CHIJMES. Preprogramming was done with the aid of CueluxPro, controlling Martin Professional fixtures from the 400 series. The programming was dumped into the CueCore and the astronomical clock used for replaying the content.

Info: www.visualproductions.nl
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