Tarm® two released

17 agosto 2016
With the release of the new tarm® two, the Laserworld Group set a significant landmark with a laser system that catches the attraction.

Tarm® two released – guaranteed 2.5W after aperture

The new tarm® two is designed for the professional market, and so are the specifications:

Together with the 45kpps @ 8° scanners and the ca. 3mm/0.8mrad beam, the guaranteed 2.5W power after aperture with a balance of 680mW/638nm, 750mW/520nm and 1.400mW/450nm make the tarm® two suitable for professional to high professional applications. Even at the maximum scan angle of 60° it does 30kpps.

The compact, durable aluminium housing makes the tarm® two suitable for fixed installations and mobile use alike. Night clubs, rental companies but also professional laser companies are customers for these laser systems.

The tarm® two laser can be controlled via standard ILDA interface. Several optional upgrades are available on request.

Info: www.laserworld.com
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