Tarm releases new laser series

10 maggio 2016
Two, Four and Seven Watt RGB, 45kpps@8° and a browser interface for system configuration – these are the key facts that encourage to have a closer look at the new tarm Series.

Tarm releases new laser series in the range between two and seven Watt power

Since tarm joined the Laserworld Group beginning of 2016, a lot of development has happened, especially in cooperation with Ray Technologies. This all ended up in the presentation of a brand new product line at this year’s prolight+sound. Tarm managed to create a product setup that perfectly fits the company group’s portfolio and replaces the RTI ATTO and RTI FEMTO systems.
“When doing the product development, we managed to use many synergy effects within our company group. This lead to a price level for the new tarm Series that is far below the one of the ATTO and FEMTO and even challenges the Pure Micro units” says Norbert Stangl, CMO of the Laserworld Group.

All tarm units have very fast scanner in common, running at 45kpp@8° ILDA and scanning a maximum scan angle of 60°, upgrades to CT-scanners with 60kpps@8° ILDA and a deflection angle of up to 80° are available on request. The beam specifications are rated at ca. 3.0mm/0.8mrad at full angle. These specifications definitely make the units suitable for professional applications.

The tarm two is specified with 340mW/638nm red, 600mW/520nm green and 1’000mW/450nm blue, and a total output power of guaranteed 1’800mW at aperture.
The tarm four is specified with 900mW/638nm red, 1’000mW/520nm green and 2’000mW/450nm blue, and a total output power of guaranteed 3’500mW at aperture.
The tarm seven is specified with 1’700mW/638nm red, 1’900mW/520nm green and 3’800mW/450nm blue, and a total output power of guaranteed 6’700mW at aperture.

The two higher powered units, the tarm four and the tarm seven, come with an advanced main board control via browser interface: It is possible to access the configuration settings for colour, scanning and other parameters directly through a browser application by connecting to the laser via LAN (W-LAN with suitable access point). With this browser interface it is no longer necessary to physically access the laser projector (that is probably mounted in several meter height), but all configuration can be done remotely from any computer (PC, MAC, Linux), tablet or mobile phone.

Info: www.laserworld.com
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