Western Fire Chief Association uses Blackmagic Design cameras

06 maggio 2019
Blackmagic Design announced that the Western Fire Chiefs Association used the Blackmagic Design URSA Mini Pro and Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K to document the experiences of 35 fire chiefs on a recent research trip to the city of Paradise, California.

Western Fire Chief Association uses Blackmagic Design cameras

The Western Fire Chiefs Association (WFCA) is a non-profit organization that serves 11 Western states. The mission of WFCA is to support, lead, educate and protect fire chiefs in the west, and represent their interests to the International Fire Chiefs association. While the tools to fight a modern fire are still fairly traditional, a focus of the organization is to use emerging technologies to help understand why major fire events happen, and how to prevent them in the future.

Kelsey Jones, Creative Development Specialist for the WFCA, was tasked with documenting the trip. “WFCA is committed to offering timely and educational information to our members,” said Jones, “and while we can’t fit all of our members on a bus to take them on a tour, we can keep this conversation going through visual media.”

Jones could see the value of using more modern technology even in her department’s videography. “Digital storytelling is a crucial element that WFCA is beginning to harness in an effort to reach our members more effectively.”

The tour, led by Paradise Fire Department Chief David Hawks, began at the fire station as the Chief outlined the timing of the recent Camp Fire, and the efforts to evacuate citizens quickly. From there, the group toured various areas to understand and discuss procedures and outcomes of various mitigation efforts.

David VanBallegooijen, General Manager of the WFCA, said: “Catastrophic wildfires are becoming increasingly more prevalent in the West, and the Camp Fire is an example of such. By visiting the town itself first-hand, Chiefs are able to see for themselves the incredible mitigation efforts put in place by the Paradise FD. Opportunities to get Chiefs and community stakeholders in a room together allows for greater discussion and problem solving.”

The documentary crew was given full access to the area and Jones immediately found the Blackmagic cameras valuable. “Utilizing Blackmagic gear made my job so much easier,” said Jones. “The large screen on the Pocket 4k was great for reviewing footage, a much larger screen than the DSLR I usually use. It was was very intuitive to use and it only took me a few minutes to navigate my way around the settings.”

While Jones was able to capture B-roll with the Pocket 4K, the URSA Mini Pro was responsible for on the spot interviews of the Chiefs, gathering their insights on what they had learned. “It was comforting to know that my footage from the Pocket 4k and the URSA Mini Pro were going to match so well,” said Jones. “The combination of professional tools and ease of use was amazing. It is important for us to deliver high quality content to our members, and Blackmagic helped us achieve that.”

Info: www.blackmagicdesign.com.
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