The new, eagerly-awaited Pixelhue software release v1.2.0 for P10, P20 and Q8 is now available

19 January 2024 AE-202401_Pixelhue aggiornamento firmware.jpg

After last November’s “minor” update, Pixelhue announces new firmware upgrades for the P10, P20 and Q8, as well as new features for the PixelFlow software. Let’s take a look at the many innovative features of the V1.2.0 release.

While the V1.1.1 release had fixed the few bugs concerning Pixelhue’s P10, P20 and Q8 range of presentation switchers, just two months later, the manufacturer (part of the NovaStar group) is back with the new V1.2.0. This again addresses the same products but adds considerable potential to them, as well as fixing a few remaining bugs.

So, let’s have a detailed look at what the update involves.

P10 multi-layer presentation switcher

New features:

  • Rapid switching to backup input source
  • Support for device backup
  • Allows creation and deletion of multiple screen settings and connectors in screens
  • Supports independent adjustment of RGB components for brightness and contrast of inputs, outputs and layers
  • Added an output module to the front panel LCD display
  • Support for two main layers and four PIP layers
  • Support for cut and fill functionality
  • Edge blending
  • LCD bezel compensation
  • Support for 4K and DL input modes



  • Reduced fan noise
  • Improved effect and switching velocity from PVW to PGM using the T-bar.


Bug fixes:

  • Corrected the issue in which the output image from the sending device remained static after the user adjusted the P10’s output image quality when transmitting signals to the sending device via fibre-optics
  • Corrected the issue of not being able to connect the device during update and rollback
  • The front panel LCD display no longer freezes on the main menu screen after the user turns the encoder
  • Corrected the issue of the output connector not being displayed on the output mosaic screen of the front panel LCD display
  • AUX layer names are no longer displayed incorrectly
  • The display no longer flashes and goes black when the DP output connector of the S3 is connected to the P10
  • Corrected the well-known EDID evaluation issue
  • Corrected the issue of presets not being saveable after an update, but only saveable after a reboot
  • Software: PixelFlow V1.2.0

P10 (with Flight Case) - 4 x DP 1.2 / HDMI 2.0 + 2 x 12G-SDI inputs, 2 x HDMI 2.0 + 6 x HDMI 1.3 outputs presentation switcher with flight case

Ft 4.030.983,96

2 general.items (Available in Italian warehouse)

P20 multi-layer presentation switcher

New features:

  • Rapid switching to backup input source
  • Support for device backup
  • Allows creation and deletion of multiple screen settings and connectors in screens
  • Supports independent adjustment of RGB components for brightness and contrast of inputs, outputs and layers
  • Added an output module to the front panel LCD display
  • Support for two main layers and ten PIP layers
  • Support for cut and fill functionality
  • Edge blending
  • LCD bezel compensation
  • Support for 4K and DL input modes
  • DL output mode added


Improvements: same as for P10


Bug fixes:

  • Corrected the issue of not being able to connect the device during update and rollback
  • The front panel LCD display no longer freezes on the main menu screen after the user turns the encoder
  • Corrected the issue of the output connector not being displayed on the output mosaic screen of the front panel LCD display
  • AUX layer names are no longer displayed incorrectly
  • Corrected the well-known EDID evaluation issue
  • Corrected the issue of presets not being saveable after an update, but only saveable after a reboot
  • Software: PixelFlow V1.2.0

P20 (with Flight Case) - 8 x DP 1.2 / HDMI 2.0 + 4 x 12G-SDI inputs, 8 x HDMI 2.0 outputs presentation switcher with flight case

Ft 8.249.340,51

Q8 multi-layer 8K presentation switcher

New Features:

  • Rapid switching to backup input source
  • Added a device noVS backup
  • Support for cut and fill functionality
  • Added bezel compensation


Bug fixes:

  • The update process no longer remains blocked at 21%
  • Corrected the issue of occasional errors when selecting the Genlock source when Genlock is enabled on multiple displays
  • Corrected the occasional logic issue when changing the IP address on the LCD screen
  • Corrected the logic issue encountered when opening still layers
  • No more compatibility problems with DP 1.2 input connectors
  • Corrected the issue of incorrect HDCP status when HDCP is enabled on MVR connectors

Q8 mainframe (with flight case) - One-as-all 4K multi-screen management presentation switcher-V1.0

Ft 31.351.945,83

PixelFlow V1.2.0

New features:

  • Support for cut and fill functionality
  • Multi- and single-language versions of the software
  • Added support for macOS



  • Improved interactive design for the comprehensive layer editing area, enhancing the user experience
  • Support for layer specification changes and multiple screens for P-Series seamless switchers
  • Improved interactive design for the input source list and toolbar
  • Added prompt message during T-bar operation to avoid incomplete (or inadvertent) movements by the user


Bug fixes:

  • Corrected the issue with blurred layer names after copying, mirroring or flipping the layer
  • No more problem of blank abnormal information during start-up with abnormal self-test errors
  • No more flickering of the input view after changing the input connector name and pressing the Enter key on the keyboard
  • Corrected the issue with the inability to select the scroll bar on the right edge of the properties area when the software on the PC is not in full screen mode.


Bug fixes on the Event controller:

  • Added the option of disabling USB power saving during start-up
  • Removed the Chinese input method from the virtual keyboard
  • Optimised verification of the update package
  • Full support for MIDI protocol
  • Optimised T-bar calibration solution
  • Support for the fader calibration function
  • Optimised interfacing with the media server
  • Improved the start-up process by adding a power-up test



Want to know more?

For further information, contact your local agent or send an e-mail to .

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