Microphone Pop Filters

If you've recorded a perfect track with no plosives, you know the value of a pop filter. Audio Effetti offers a selection of the best Microphone Pop Filters so you can always have one on hand.


Basically, a pop filter is a relatively simple device. The synthetic canvas membrane mounted on a rigid frame allows the passage of sound waves by blocking sudden air flows due to power consonants (p, b and a few others). At best they are annoying while at worst they can ruin a great vocal recording.

While all pop filters look the same, there are actually some differences in design and construction that need to be considered. Some pop filters use two parallel canvas screens, one on the front and one on the back of the case. To solve the problem of slight high-frequency roll-off due to the type of canvas used, some pop filters are made of specially designed wire mesh or metal.

Another key detail to consider is the method of attaching the pop filter to the mic stand and adjusting its position in front of the microphone. We have pop filters equipped with different locking systems and gooseneck arms. The most common ones are fixed to the final stem of the boom through a threaded pin, others are equipped with a magnetic plate and still others are hooked directly to the body of the microphone itself.

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Pop Filter - Pop filter with gooseneck

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