1122 - Splitter Box for Pyroflash 6/24 firing system to split up to 6 channels to 24 using 6 Splitter Boxes

Le Maitre

€ 228,90

SKU: 1122
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Splitter Box for Pyroflash 6/24 firing system to split up to 6 channels to 24 using 6 Splitter Boxes

You can use the Splitter Box with the Pyroflash 6/24 firing system: you can split each channels with a Splitter Box into 4 more channels. From 6 channels you can have 24 using 6 Splitter Boxes, and for every channel you can use 10 different effects. It's a passive Splitter Box, no power needed, with only Bulgin socket on it: one channel input, POD A I and II, POD B I and II outputs.

Size 110 x 60 x 35 mm
Weight 0.2 kg
Le Maitre

€ 228,90

SKU: 1122
Ask for availability To find out the price dedicated to you, follow the link and register on audioeffetti.com. Our office will contact you as soon as possible.

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