Coriandoli rossi carta a forma fiori Ø55 mm a caduta lenta. Confezionati in sacchetti da 1 kg (venduti in scatole da 10 kg).
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Black - Black slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Brown - Brown slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Dark blue - Dark blue slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Dark Green - Dark green slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Light blue - Light blue slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Light Green - Light green slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Multicolour - Multicolour slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Orange - Orange slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Pink - Pink slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Purple - Purple slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Red - Red slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - White - White slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - Yellow - Yellow slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall confetti rectangles - White + Silver - White + silver slow-fall rectangular high quality confetti for professional use, 55 x 17 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slow-fall snow confetti - White - White slow-fall fake snow high quality confetti for professional use, 10 x 10 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Black - Black slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Dark blue - Dark blue slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Dark Green - Dark green slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Light blue - Light blue slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Light Green - Light green slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Multicolour - Multicolour slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Orange - Orange slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Pink - Pink slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Purple - Purple slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Red - Red slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - White - White slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti round - Yellow - Yellow slow-fall round paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Black - Black slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Dark blue - Dark blue slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Dark Green - Dark green slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Light blue - Light blue slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Light Green - Light green slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Multicolour - Multicolour slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Orange - Orange slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Pink - Pink slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Purple - Purple slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Red - Red slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - White - White slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti stars - Yellow - Yellow slow-fall star paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti hearts - Pink - Red slow-fall heart paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti hearts - Red - Red slow-fall heart paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti hearts - White - White slow-fall heart paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Black - Black slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Dark blue - Dark blue slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Dark Green - Dark green slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Light blue - Light blue slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Light Green - Light green slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Multicolour - Multicolour slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Orange - Orange slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Pink - Pink slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Purple - Purple slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - White - White slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti flowers - Yellow - Yellow slow-fall flower paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Black - Black slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Dark blue - Dark blue slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Dark Green - Dark Green slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Light blue - Light blue slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Light Green - Light Green slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Multicolour - Multicolour slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Orange - Orange slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Pink - Pink slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Purple - Purple slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Red - Red slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - White - White slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti butterfly - Yellow - Yellow slow-fall butterfly paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti rose petals - Pink - Pink slow-fall petal paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti rose petals - Red - Red slow-fall petal paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti rose petals - White - White slow-fall petal paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 55 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti maple leaves - Autumn - Autumnal slow-fall maple leaf paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 100 mm
The Confetti Maker
Slowfall confetti oak leaves - Autumn - Autumnal slow-fall oak leaf paper high quality confetti for professional use, Ø 120 mm
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Per maggiori informazioni:
Audio Effetti Srl
Via A. Manuzio, 57A
16143 Genova (GE) Italia
Tel: +39 010 5451202
Email: [email protected]
Sede Legale: Via Manuzio, 57A - 16143 Genova (GE) Italia
Codice Fiscale / Fiscal Code: 01241200995
P. IVA / VAT Nb.: IT01241200995
Forma giuridica / Legal form: Società a Responsabilità Limitata
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Capitale Sociale / Share capital: 10.000,00 € i.v.
Indirizzo Email / Email address: [email protected]
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Cod. Dest.: M5UXCR1
Audio Effetti Srl
Via A. Manuzio, 57A
16143 Genova (GE) Italia
Tel: +39 010 5451202
Email: [email protected]