The development of the new Power Flame has come to a successful conclusion. After finishing the final test trials, production is now in full swing. This means you can order your own Power Flame right now and switch your Pro-show into overdrive.
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ATEM Television Studio Pro 4K used by Zodiac Studios
Blackmagic Design announced that Austin, Texas based full service production studio Zodiac Studios is using an ATEM Television Studio Pro 4K live production switcher and Video Assist 4K monitor/recorders for its ongoing Austin Music Live series.
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Red Bull Gaming Sphere Tokyo used Blackmagic Design for streaming
Blackmagic Design announced that Red Bull Japan is using ATEM Production Studio 4K live production switcher and ATEM 1 M/E Broadcast Panel hardware control panel for the broadcasting of eSports at the Red Bull Gaming Sphere Tokyo event space.
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Several 2018 fall television streaming series use Blackmagic Design
Blackmagic Design announced that the company’s production and post products are being used to complete many of the fall 2018 season’s new and returning television shows and streaming series.
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First narrative sci-fi series to be live streamed with Blackmagic Design
Blackmagic Design announced that Orbital Redux, a live performed eight episode scripted science fiction series, was streamed using extensive Blackmagic Design technology, including cameras, switchers and routers, and recorded on HyperDeck Studio.
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Micro Studio Camera 4K on new Keanu Reeves film Siberia
Blackmagic Design announced that DP Eric Koretz used a Micro Studio Camera 4K and Video Assist 4K monitor/recorder while shooting the new film “Siberia.” Koretz also used DaVinci Resolve Studio and a DaVinci Resolve Micro Panel on set to develop various looks while shooting.
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EXPLO's CO2 Wave Jet ready for orders
Development of the new CO2 Wave Jet is now finished, and this new effect device is ready for the market! Anyone wishing to stock up their range of stage- or show effects can now do so by ordering the CO2 Wave Jet!
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Soft Darts Professional Tour Japan uses Blackmagic Design
Blackmagic Design announced its products were used for the live production of SOFT DARTS PROFESSIONAL TOUR JAPAN, including ATEM 2 M/E Production Studio 4K, which has become the center of the tour’s live workflow.
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MVS Hazer used in CUETG's annual touring production
Le Maitre's MVS Hazer was currently used in the Cambridge University European Theatre Group's adaptation of Othello.
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Showcontroller ­- New Laser Show and Multimedia Software released
Laserworld released “Showcontroller”, a new laser show control software that was especially designed for professional use. The software is designed as a software suite with several parts to the program that cater for different kinds of laser show applications. Showcontroller was designed as intuitive, easy-to-use ILDA software for beginners up to high professional users.
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Blackmagic Design Decklink Mini Recorder 4K used with Quicklinkstudio-in-a-box
Blackmagic Design announced that Quicklink, one of the leading global providers of software and hardware IP solutions, is using DeckLink Mini Recorder 4K to provide capture with the Quicklink Studio-in-a-box (ST500.)
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Resolume 6.1.2: There were tears. There was blood.
Today, Resolume released Resolume 6.1.2 into the wild. It wasn't easy. There were tears. There was blood. Most of all, there was love. Take care of her. She's special.
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Laserworld becomes distribution partner for LaserAnimation Sollinger
Laserworld announces start of the distribution of LaserAnimation Sollinger PHAENON accurate laser systems.
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Citruss World of Shopping enhances broadcast capability with URSA Broadcast
Blackmagic Design announced that Dubai based satellite channel, Citruss World of Shopping, has implemented a 4K production and live broadcast solution featuring the URSA Broadcast with ATEM Camera Control Panel, and ATEM 4 M/E Broadcast Studio 4K switcher.
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Blackmagic Design forms strategic partnership with the USC School of Cinematic Arts
Blackmagic Design announced that it has formed a strategic partnership with the USC School of Cinematic Arts to provide Blackmagic hardware and software to the School over three years.The products will be used by USC students studying filmmaking and post production, while broadcast production students will now have the opportunity to work with UltraHD in the school’s television station, Trojan V
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