Per rendere gli show unici, originali e spettacolari, Audio Effetti mette a disposizione dei propri clienti una serie di effetti speciali come fiamme finte, flash, bacchette spara fiamma, hand flasher, carta e cotone flash, finte torce, dropper (sganciatori automatici che fanno scendere teli, tende, reti e altro da strutture sospese) e relativi accessori. Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per un setup professionale ricco di effetti speciali.
Le Maitre
PP100 - Flash Tube Holder, base support that allows to position the Flash Tube even hanging on a truss
Le Maitre
PP120 - 38 mm 90° Bolt Mine Holder to firmly fix the Le Maitre pyro effect
Le Maitre
PP123 - 60 mm Flame Holder for the small-sized Flame Pojectors of Le Maitre
Le Maitre
PP122 - 8oz gerbs 3-way array plate, 1.5" diameter, to place on the floor or on a truss
Le Maitre
PP124 - 98 mm Flame Holder, the base for the medium to large Prostage II Flame Projectors
Le Maitre
PP126 - Line Rocket Holder, support for Line Rockets
Le Maitre
1110 - Fixing Clamp to hold the effect cartridge securely into the variable Angle Pod
Le Maitre
O52022 - Bulgin Chassis Socket, , 3 pin power socket for Firing Systems and fireworks holders
Le Maitre
FP01 - Flash Paper, small sheets of nitrocellulose which burn quickly releasing a bright orange flame
Le Maitre
MG04 - Flint Flasher, little container to be held in the palm of the hand to produce a flash of fire
Le Maitre
PP103 - 18 mm 3 way array plate mine holder, both to be fixed on the floor and on a truss
Le Maitre
PP108 - 18 mm 45° mine holder to tilt the pyro effects 45° degrees in maximum safety
Le Maitre
PP116 - 31 mm 3 way array plate mine holder, both to be fixed to the floor and to be mounted on truss
Le Maitre
1116 - Pyro Lead hat allow you to connect Le Maitre products with 3-pin Bulgin 25 m
Le Maitre
1103 - Variable Angled Flash Pod, support thay allows to adjust the angle to direct the effect as needed
Le Maitre
PP105 - 18 mm diameter support for pyrotechnic effects, 90° (effect perpendicular to the base)
Le Maitre
MG02 - Double Shot Flash Gun, allows you to fire two times before you need to reload
Le Maitre
1705 - Wax Torch, torch that recalls the Olympic one, burning time of approximately 1 h
Le Maitre
PP107 - 18 mm 60° mine holder to tilt the pyro effects 60° degrees in maximum safety
Le Maitre
PP114 - 27 mm 90° Bolt Mine Holder to firmly fix the Le Maitre pyro effect
Le Maitre
PP115 - 31 mm 90° mine holder to tilt the pyro effects 90° degrees in maximum safety
Le Maitre
PP118 - 38 mm 90° mine holder to tilt the pyro effects 90° degrees in maximum safety
Le Maitre
PP121 - 4oz gerbs 3-way array plate, 1" diameter, to place on the floor or on a truss
Le Maitre
1102 - Flash Pod Standard, small but resistant support for Pyroflash Standard Cartridge effects
Le Maitre
O52023 - Bulgin Plug to conform your pyro hardware to the world standard based on these 3 pin sockets
Le Maitre
PP113 - 27 mm 45° mine holder to tilt the pyro effects 45° degrees in maximum safety
Le Maitre
PP104 - Single 18 mm holder for Gerb pyrotechnic effects with bolt to fix on a truss
Le Maitre
FP11 - Flash Cotton, small skeins of cotton that burn very fast
Le Maitre
3005 - Fake Flame that create the illusion of real flames with non-flammable products, 1.2 m wide fire effect
Le Maitre
IG21 - Glow Plug, 1.5 V candle used in the Hand Flasher and Flint Flasher products