Gli effetti speciali necessitano di particolari controller, cablati o wireless, utili alla perfetta riuscita di uno show.
Audio Effetti propone alcune importanti e utili soluzioni per eventi di ogni tipologia e dimensione: switch pack, iniettori elettrici (sistemi di accensione), unità e controller pyro più un vasto assortimento di trasmettitori e ricevitori, antenne, unità Time Code e software.
RX2-30K - Receiver with 30 individually controllable ignition channels fully compatible with all X2 standard transmitters
RX2-5K - Small dimension receiver with 5 ignition channels
WS6 - Angleshot system with 6 effect holders suitable to fit effects with an outer diameter of 100 mm
WS15-ROMAN - Angle shot system with 15 effect holders that can be adjusted within a 60° angle, for Roman candles
Software - Software to create complex, music-synchronized, individual shows or combine multiple shows into a playlist
Le Maitre
PROSTAGE 6 - 6-Way pyro controller powered by batteries
TX2-70K - Bi-directional transmitter suitable for driving the Explo receivers via manual ignition, auto and PC mode
RX2-70K - Receiver with 70 individually controllable ignition channels for outdoor shows
RX2-1K-GAS - Receiver used for controlling the gas projectors GX2 12 V via radio, internal Time Code synchronisation
FXcommander - Professional DMX & pyro control console
The Confetti Maker
FX-Control - 4-channel controller for all your special effects machines
RX2-WAVE - Music player controlled via radio from an EXPLO transmitter
RX2-10K - Bi-directional 10 channel radio controlled receiver, it allows to add 230 V devices to an automatic show
WS15 - Angle shot system with 15 effect holders (outer diameter 65 mm) that can be adjusted within a 60° angle
RX2-1K - Small dimension receiver with 1 ignition channel
RX2-20K - Bi-directional 20 channel radio controlled receiver, it allows to add 230 V devices to an automatic show
WS16 Roman Candle - Angle shot system with 16 effect holders that can be adjusted within a 60° angle
TX2-STAGE - Handheld transmitter with display, battery powered
PyroAdaptor - Wireless + charging control for PyroSlave
Le Maitre
1117 - One Shot Pyro Controller, portable pyrotechnic ignition system, capable of firing max. 2 ignitors in series
TX2-20K - Compact hand transmitter suitable for controlling the Explo receivers by means of manual ignition signals
PyroSlave - 16-channel ignition system
X2MODEM - TX2-Modem to test receivers before the show directly from notebook, to use with X2-AutoShow Software
RX2-20KNiMH - Receiver with 20 individually controllable channels with 2 NiMH batteries and bidirectional radio control
Le Maitre
1114 - 18 V power supply unit for 2/6 way controller
Le Maitre
PROSTAGE 2 - 2-way pyro controller powered by batteries
The Confetti Maker
FIRE BOX - Big entertainment switch to activate, or trigger, a pyrotechnic effect, red big button, safety switch
FXbutton - Compact DMX console powered by batteries
The Confetti Maker
Wireless Control - Wireless control device for WI-Shot, allowing you to fire from a distance of up to 500 m
RX2-30KCASE - Receiver with 30 individually controllable ignition channels, HPRC case included